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Water And Sewer

Water and Sewer is governed by the following bylaws:

Bylaw 349 19, Water and Sewer Bylaw (355 KB)

Water & Sewer Fees Amendment Bylaw 351 20 (48 KB) 


If you wish to receive your invoice by email, call 634-7100.

Payment can be made by cash, cheque, credit or debit card, online through the Bank of Montreal, CIBC, TD or Scotiabank, or by email transfer to


Water and Sewer

The core area of Haines Junction is fully serviced with water and sewer.

Water and Sewer fees are charged one annual invoice due September 30th of the billing year. Due to the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation statutory holiday on September 30, payments must be received by October 1 at the latest. All late payments are subject to a penalty of 2% per month.


Bulk Water

Bulk water is available for purchase from the water reservoir with a water card. A $20.00 deposit is payable on the card.

It is not permitted to use water from the truck fill station for commercial-scale road operations, sewer flushing, dust control or any other non-personal use which does not require potable/treated water. Bulk water customers requiring water for these uses are encouraged to acquire it from the Dezadeash River or another untreated water source, up to a maximum of 100m3 per day or as otherwise approved through permit by Environment Yukon.

Bulk Water fees are charged quarterly. All late payments are subject to a penalty of 2% per month.



Interested in how we disinfect our water? Read all about Water Disinfection in Haines Junction here (314 KB) !

Interested in water conversation? Download a PowerPoint about Water Conservation in Haines Junction here!

If you wish to report a water problem, call 634-5316.